Cavaliers for Kerry

Hello, my name is Gatsby and I'm a dog. I'm a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and I support John Kerry for President. I was born during the Clinton years. Good times... I believe John Kerry can make American dogs stronger at home and respected again in the world. My name is Gatsby and I approve of this message.


I'm a Flip-Flopper

It's true, I admit it, I'm a flip-flopper. During the Democratic Primaries, I supported Wesley Clark. I 'Barked for Clark'. He's a terrific guy. I hope he'll be in the Kerry Cabinet, wouldn't that be great?

And here I am today supporting John Kerry. Flip Flop! I'm just happy to be supporting a qualified candidate for President of the United States. We are fortunate as Democrats to have so many to choose among. I'm a lucky dog. You might say I'm the right dog, born in the right place, at the right time.


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