Cavaliers for Kerry

Hello, my name is Gatsby and I'm a dog. I'm a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and I support John Kerry for President. I was born during the Clinton years. Good times... I believe John Kerry can make American dogs stronger at home and respected again in the world. My name is Gatsby and I approve of this message.


People are talking about Hillary/Gatsby in '08.


Thanks, John.

Thanks for the memories, my friend.


Top 10 Reasons to Vote For John Kerry

10. Elliminating tax cuts for those making over $200,000 a year.
9. Affordable health Care
8. A fresh start in Iraq
7. Reduce the deficit
6. Keeping good jobs in America
5. Keep America safe
4. Improve our relations with our Allies
3. He's not George W. Bush
2. He's a really nice guy (he campaigns with a dog)


Don't Forget to Vote!

Well, we're practically there... Tomorrow is the big day and I'm feeling good about it. I mean the Red Sox won the WORLD SERIES!!! The team from, ahem, Massachusetts. There was a time when people said that could never happen. It's good karma.

So, dogs -- get your people to the polls. Don't forget to bring a bowl of water and some biscuits because there might be long lines. That's okay, you guys don't mind waiting in line in order to see Gatsby in the White House, do you? (John has promised me a job in the West Wing for all of my hard work.)

So vote early and vote often. And vote for my friend, John Kerry.

My name is Gatsby and I approve of this message.


Hillary & Gatsby in 2012

One of my fans posted a very provocative suggestion: a Hillary/Gatsby 2012 ticket! What do you guys think? We look pretty darn good together. She could do worse. She's done worse (I kid...) You know how I love Bill.


Oops. I got him.

He's not running, but it does look like he's hiding...

Buzz Buzz

Don't worry, I won't sting Laura.

Here I floated right into his hand. I hope I don't sting him by accident.

Float Like a Butterfly and Sting Like a Bee

This is my latest strategy against the BushCheney04 campaign.

It all started when George Bush said to John Kerry, "You can run but you can't hide" (-Joe Louis) to which John Kerry replied, "Is that all you've got George?" (-Muhammad Ali).

So, I found a way to transform myself into a tiny bumblebee (don't ask...) and I have spent the last couple of days following George W. Bush around; hovering, buzzing and stinging him.

I say, "Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!" (-Muhammad Ali)

I'm a Flip-Flopper

It's true, I admit it, I'm a flip-flopper. During the Democratic Primaries, I supported Wesley Clark. I 'Barked for Clark'. He's a terrific guy. I hope he'll be in the Kerry Cabinet, wouldn't that be great?

And here I am today supporting John Kerry. Flip Flop! I'm just happy to be supporting a qualified candidate for President of the United States. We are fortunate as Democrats to have so many to choose among. I'm a lucky dog. You might say I'm the right dog, born in the right place, at the right time.


My first cover!

36 Papers Abandon Bush for Kerry

I guess it's no great surprise that if you have cheese for brains, the people are going to eventually figure it out. I'm not making this stuff up, folks:

In today's Washington Post Howard Kurtz reports, "The Orlando Sentinel has backed every Republican seeking the White House since Richard M. Nixon in 1968. Not this time." "The Sentinel is among 36 newspapers that endorsed President Bush four years ago and have flip-flopped, to coin a phrase, into Kerry's corner."

Here's the link to the article. It asks you to register for reading the Washington Post online (it's free, but it takes a minute). It's a good read and well worth the extra step, in this dog's opinion.

New Costume

Here I am wearing my brand new "Cavaliers for Kerry" costume that we've had specially made for me. Pretty spiffy, don't you think?

Pitched on to the Stage

One of my fans sent me this nice photo of me and John and Bill, so I thought I'd post it. It was taken just after the crowds passed me on to the stage in Philadelphia yesterday. I'll tell you -- I was grateful to the Secret Service for saving my butt -- it got a little dicey there.

Cheese for Brains

Here's a riddle for you: two of us in the photo are wearing cheese on our heads, but only one person in the photo has cheese for brains. My Mom says that's a really rude thing to say and that I'll probably get some angry emails, and I bet I will -- but there are only 6 days to go before the election and I'm getting angry at some of the things Mr. Bush is saying about my guy, so there!!

Vote Cute on Tuesday!

Today has been hectic -- flying all over the country -- I think we're doing four states today. But I managed to meet up with John Edwards and his kids in Ohio. We had a great ole time. Emma Claire and Jack are loads of fun, we always have a good time when we get together.


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

What do you guys think of this new ad? We're trying it out with some focus groups this week. The "Wolves Ad" was pretty silly -- didn't you think -- who's afraid of some cute little wolves? Some of my best friends are wolves. What IS scary, however, is a wolf in sheep's clothing (or a little dog in a lion suit...) In other words: the LIES George W. Bush and his lot continue to spin. Now, that's scary. Grrrrrroar...

8 More Days to a Fresh Start

We're in Florida now -- we have lots of appearances tomorrow across the state. Bill and I played cards on the plane while John read a bunch of newspapers. I lost twenty bucks.

More with Bill

I got separated from John and Bill for a few minutes... For a while there the crowds were just going wild... I couldn't believe it when they started chanting, "Gatsby, Gatsby, Gatsby..." The day really wasn't about me, I'm just there for John, you know? It got a little embarrassing. I mean, I may run in 2012, but I won't even hear of it before then.

Friend of Bill (FOB)

Wow! What a day we had. It was great to have Bill with us today in Philly. The crowds were really crazy -- man, what a scene.